Station 2 Claw Monkeys

The name says it all. Because these little monkeys have claws instead of nails on their fingers and toes (except the big toe). And so, they climb effortlessly through the woods, up thick vertical trunks, and even forage upside down for food. They scrape the bark off trees and feast on the tasty tree sap. These claws are really useful for many things! Together instead of alone is the motto - and this is the case with almost all monkeys. In groups of 2 to 15 animals the marmosets jump light-footed through the branches, even the smallest ones learn this quickly. Speaking of offspring: This pleasure is reserved only for the highest-ranking animals in the group. They usually have dizygotic twins, but these twins have the same genetic fingerprint. The rearing means a high energy expenditure for the mother animal. How good it is not to be alone! In fact, the group takes care of the crowd of children together.

Station 2 Kosmani

Říká se jim též opice drápkaté, což je výstižné. Tyto malé opičky mají totiž na prstech na rukou a nohou (s výjimkou palce) místo nehtů drápky. A tak bez námahy šplhají po lesích, po silných svislých kmenech a dokonce hledají potravu hlavou dolů. Oškrabávají kůru ze stromů a pochutnávají si na lahodné míze. Ty drápky se opravdu hodí na hodně věcí! Heslem je společně, nikoliv osamoceně – a to platí téměř pro všechny opice. Ve skupinách po 2 až 15 zvířatech skáčou svižně po větvích a i ti nejmladší se to rychle naučí. Když už mluvíme o potomcích: Toto potěšení je vyhrazeno pouze nejvýše postaveným zvířatům ve skupině. Obvykle se rodí dvouvaječná dvojčata, která však mají stejný genetický otisk. Jejich výchova vyžaduje od matky mnoho energie. Jak je dobré nebýt sám! Skupina se společně stará o smečku potomků.

Station 2 Claw Monkeys

The name says it all. Because these little monkeys have claws instead of nails on their fingers and toes (except the big toe). And so, they climb effortlessly through the woods, up thick vertical trunks, and even forage upside down for food. They scrape the bark off trees and feast on the tasty tree sap. These claws are really useful for many things! Together instead of alone is the motto - and this is the case with almost all monkeys. In groups of 2 to 15 animals the marmosets jump light-footed through the branches, even the smallest ones learn this quickly. Speaking of offspring: This pleasure is reserved only for the highest-ranking animals in the group. They usually have dizygotic twins, but these twins have the same genetic fingerprint. The rearing means a high energy expenditure for the mother animal. How good it is not to be alone! In fact, the group takes care of the crowd of children together.