Station 27 Coati

Not everyone is happy to be asked about their big nose. With our small bears, on the other hand, the name says it all and a proper proboscis nose is important for finding small creatures in all kinds of holes and crevices. And not only on the ground, coatis are also safe climbers at airy heights. The males living as loners need the right nose especially if they want to get into a group of females at mating time. With an extensive grooming at the adored lady, chances are not bad to be rewarded with affection. Along the way, the male is eager to defend his chosen clique of women against competitors. An exhausting undertaking. After the mating season he is then chased again from the field, where he can then again without stress stick his nose into foreign affairs, respectively holes.

Station 27 Nosál

Ne každý je rád, když ho někdo oslovuje kvůli velkému nosu. U našich medvídků však jméno mluví za vše a dobrý prodloužený čenich je důležitý k hledání malých tvorů v nejrůznějších dírách a štěrbinách. A to nejen na zemi, ale i ve velkých výškách, kam nosálové šplhají snadno jako horolezci. Samci, kteří žijí samotářsky, potřebují správný nos zejména tehdy, když se chtějí v období páření přidat ke skupině samic. Při rozsáhlé péči o srst zbožňované dámy není šance, že bude odměněn náklonností, zas tak malá. Kromě toho samec velmi rád brání svou vyvolenou skupinu samiček před konkurencí. Vyčerpávající úkol. Po období páření je pak samec opět vyhnán z pomyslného dvorku, a tak může bez stresu strkat nos do cizích záležitostí nebo děr.

Station 27 Coati

Not everyone is happy to be asked about their big nose. With our small bears, on the other hand, the name says it all and a proper proboscis nose is important for finding small creatures in all kinds of holes and crevices. And not only on the ground, coatis are also safe climbers at airy heights. The males living as loners need the right nose especially if they want to get into a group of females at mating time. With an extensive grooming at the adored lady, chances are not bad to be rewarded with affection. Along the way, the male is eager to defend his chosen clique of women against competitors. An exhausting undertaking. After the mating season he is then chased again from the field, where he can then again without stress stick his nose into foreign affairs, respectively holes.