Station 30 Chameleon

No animal rolls its eyes as beautifully as the chameleon. Found throughout the African continent, these reptiles can see extremely sharply with their highly protruding eyes. And all around, they can let their eyeballs circle independently in all directions. But mainly chameleons, of which there are about 200 species, are known to us as colour changers. Sometimes they are quite bright, then again dark and sometimes very colourful. Tiny crystal blocks in the skin of the lizards are responsible for this rush of colour, which changes depending on the animal’s mood. Likewise, chameleons are known for their long tongues, which emerge from their mouths in a flash and prey on the object of desire with the sticky tip of their tongues.

Station 30 Chameleon

Žádné zvíře nekoulí očima tak krásně jako chameleon. Tito plazi, kteří se vyskytují po celém africkém kontinentu, vidí velmi ostře díky svým silně vystouplým očím. A vidí všude kolem sebe, protože jejich oční bulvy mohou kroužit všemi směry nezávisle na sobě. Ale chameleony, kterých je asi 200 druhů, známe hlavně jako měniče barev. Někdy jsou velmi světlí, jindy tmaví a někdy zase velmi barevní. Za tento příval barev, které se mění v závislosti na náladě zvířete, jsou zodpovědné drobné krystalky, zvané též chromatocyty, v kůži těchto ještěrů. Chameleoni jsou také známí svými dlouhými jazyky, které se bleskově vynoří z tlamy a lepkavou špičkou jazyka zachytí objekt, na který má chameleon chuť.

Station 30 Chameleon

No animal rolls its eyes as beautifully as the chameleon. Found throughout the African continent, these reptiles can see extremely sharply with their highly protruding eyes. And all around, they can let their eyeballs circle independently in all directions. But mainly chameleons, of which there are about 200 species, are known to us as colour changers. Sometimes they are quite bright, then again dark and sometimes very colourful. Tiny crystal blocks in the skin of the lizards are responsible for this rush of colour, which changes depending on the animal’s mood. Likewise, chameleons are known for their long tongues, which emerge from their mouths in a flash and prey on the object of desire with the sticky tip of their tongues.