Station 1 Eurasian Harvest Mouse

Small, smaller, smallest - with a body weight of just 5 to 7 grams, the harvest mouse is definitely one of the smallest representatives of its species. But size alone is not everything! Thus, the mini-mice lead a life above ground, which is atypical for mice, their playground is the tall grass, shrubs, reeds and brushwood. A lair under the protection of the earth? Far from it! Equipped with a long prehensile tail and prehensile toes, the little mouse shimmies from stalk to stalk. It also deliberately uses the shifting of its weight to bend grasses like a bridge. This allows it to reach stalks that are further away. Dwarf mice are skilled and nimble climbers, and because they are true masters at it, they also build their nests in tall grass. In the process, they prove to be artful architects, weaving the greenery into a spherical nest suspended among the stalks. To prevent the camouflage from being blown, the intertwined grasses are not separated and thus retain their green colour longer. The mouse does not bite off a thread!

Station 1 Myška drobná

Malý, menší, nejmenší – s tělesnou hmotností pouhých 5 až 7 gramů je myška drobná rozhodně jedním z nejmenších zástupců svého druhu. Samotná velikost však není všechno! Tyto „minimyši“ žijí netypickým nadzemním životem, jejich hřištěm je totiž vysoká tráva, keře, rákosí a podrost. Malá podzemní nora na ochranou? Zdaleka ne! Myška drobná má dlouhý chápavý ocásek a chápavé prsty, takže se pohybuje od stébla ke stéblu. Přitom také vědomě využívá přesouvání své váhy k ohýbání stébel jako mostu. Tímto způsobem může dosáhnout i na vzdálenější stébla. Myšky drobné jsou zdatní a hbití šplhouni, a právě proto, že jsou v tom opravdoví mistři, staví si hnízda i ve vysoké trávě. Přitom se projevují jako zruční architekti a splétají zeleň do kulovitého hnízda, které je zavěšeno mezi stonky. Aby se zabránilo rozfoukání kamufláže, propletená stébla trávy se neukusují , a tak si déle zachovávají zelenou barvu. Myš proto nechává každé stéblo živé!

Station 1 Eurasian Harvest Mouse

Small, smaller, smallest - with a body weight of just 5 to 7 grams, the harvest mouse is definitely one of the smallest representatives of its species. But size alone is not everything! Thus, the mini-mice lead a life above ground, which is atypical for mice, their playground is the tall grass, shrubs, reeds and brushwood. A lair under the protection of the earth? Far from it! Equipped with a long prehensile tail and prehensile toes, the little mouse shimmies from stalk to stalk. It also deliberately uses the shifting of its weight to bend grasses like a bridge. This allows it to reach stalks that are further away. Dwarf mice are skilled and nimble climbers, and because they are true masters at it, they also build their nests in tall grass. In the process, they prove to be artful architects, weaving the greenery into a spherical nest suspended among the stalks. To prevent the camouflage from being blown, the intertwined grasses are not separated and thus retain their green colour longer. The mouse does not bite off a thread!