Station 5 Wood Duck and Mandarin Duck

When our ornamental male ducks have made themselves pretty for the bridal show, they have many admirers in their so-called splendour plumage. Later in the year, the drake, as the male duck is called, wears his plain dress again. Thus, he looks very much like his wife again for several weeks. Originally not native to Europe, they were brought here for their show value. And so it also happened that some animals used the chance to escape. Since it can also live well in our climate, there are now some reintroduced specimens to be discovered in this part of the world.

Ducks are all the same! Well, you can’t say that. In terms of taste, perhaps, but there are external differences. One generally differentiates between diving ducks and swimming ducks. Diving ducks are more deeply placed, if you intend to put it that way. Their tail feathers are positioned much lower in the water than those of the swimming ducks. In addition, diving ducks are much stouter and thus even need a run-up to get out of the water in the first place. Swimming ducks, on the other hand, climb out of it light-footedly and vertically. So, you can see that the assumption that ducks are all the same is a proverbial canard!

Station 5 Kachnička karolínská a kachnička mandarínská

Když se naši okrasní samci kachen zkrášlí na období páření, mají díky svému ozdobnému opeření mnoho obdivovatelek. V pozdějším období roku se kačer, jak se samec kachny nazývá, opět obléká do prostého hávu. To znamená, že se několik týdnů opět velmi podobá své partnerce. Původně se v Evropě nevyskytovaly a byly sem dovezeny pro svou výstavní hodnotu. A tak nebylo divu, že některá zvířata využila příležitosti k útěku. Protože se zde dá i dobře žít, objevují se v této zemi i divoké exempláře.

Kachny jsou přeci všechny stejné! To však nelze říct jen tak. Možná z hlediska chuti, ale existují rozdíly ve vzhledu. Obecně se rozlišují kachny potápivé a kachny plovavé. Potápivé kachny mají, chcete-li, hlubší ponor. Jejich ocasní pera jsou ve vodě mnohem níže než u potápivých kachen. Potápivé kachny jsou navíc mnohem robustnější, a proto potřebují i rozběh, aby se vůbec dostaly z vody. Naproti tomu se plovavé kachny snadno vznesou kolmo vzhůru. Takže vidíte, že tvrzení, že všechny kachny jsou stejné, je doslova kachna!

Station 5 Wood Duck and Mandarin Duck

When our ornamental male ducks have made themselves pretty for the bridal show, they have many admirers in their so-called splendour plumage. Later in the year, the drake, as the male duck is called, wears his plain dress again. Thus, he looks very much like his wife again for several weeks. Originally not native to Europe, they were brought here for their show value. And so it also happened that some animals used the chance to escape. Since it can also live well in our climate, there are now some reintroduced specimens to be discovered in this part of the world.

Ducks are all the same! Well, you can’t say that. In terms of taste, perhaps, but there are external differences. One generally differentiates between diving ducks and swimming ducks. Diving ducks are more deeply placed, if you intend to put it that way. Their tail feathers are positioned much lower in the water than those of the swimming ducks. In addition, diving ducks are much stouter and thus even need a run-up to get out of the water in the first place. Swimming ducks, on the other hand, climb out of it light-footedly and vertically. So, you can see that the assumption that ducks are all the same is a proverbial canard!